Biffy Token

The token that promises nothing and delivers it instantly!™

White paper 1.0

Ok. A white paper. This is where I'm supposed to present some grandiose plans that show how we'll make it to the moon and beyond and let everyone retire. I wish I could paint that picture for you.

The Biffy family of tokens was created for fun. Initially, the fun was simply in the name. Since then, it has grown into the learning of contract programming, rewards in tokens, and rewards in htmlcoin (coming soon).

We promise to continue bringing the fun. Where the other Althash tokens are promising bigger and better things, and even making flashy Wordpress and Wix pages, we promise to keep bringing the fun. We hope to bring value with the fun and, although we can't guarantee that, we certainly hope you'll join us on the adventure. Remember, all value is perceived. If you want Biffy Diamond (BIFD) and newer Biffy tokens to have value, treat them as if they have value.

Lastly, to alleviate some confusion, the Biffy Tokens are not ICOs. I've never sold these tokens. To date, I've given them away and, as of recently, you can trade them with htmlcoin on Bleutrade.

White paper, over and out!

White paper 2.0

Plans – Still not grandiose.

Tokens – Still being released. Always many more in the design phase.

Moon – That giant rock in space that the sun lets us see.

Promise – Keep bringing fun, experimentation, and with a little luck, some value.

White paper, over and out!